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Showing posts from June, 2018


This is an attempt at providing my share of insights to the crazy, chaotic and marvelous time when you bring your little one home for the first time. Hope it helps! Here goes my list of 10 slightly unconventional tips for first-time moms: 1. It’s your choice: Yes, Whether you chose natural delivery or an elective c-section Whether you decide to breastfeed or formula-feed (or a combination of both) and how long you do it Whether you co-sleep or not Whether you do (cloth or regular) diapering or start elimination communication (and when) Whether you apply  kajal  or massage the baby day in and out and every other decision, big and small, in between, it is your (and your immediate family’s) choice alone. You can read a thousand scientific journals and parenting books to make an informed decision, sure! But it is entirely up to you how you raise your baby. The baby is born to you, from you and hence is customized for your family. So it’s your prerogative alone. Don’t

Menstruation Matters To Everyone

Menstruation is something a women always wish to know everything about. However, it has always been surrounded by taboos and myths that effects her life from many aspects. Even women aren’t supposed to talk about it in the open. Since this year's theme MENSTRUATION MATTERS TO EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE draws attention on different aspects of life in which we could be more present and open to the topic of menstruation. What is most important to me to not forget, is that menstruation is a human rights issue in many ways. My tips to bring menstrual awareness into your life:   1. Take some time during your moon-time to observe your blood, how do you feel when you do that? and why does it make you feel comfortable or maybe uncomfortable?   2. Stop hiding your period instead: inform people who are close to you that you are bleeding. i started wearing a thin red bracelet as a little reminder for my surroundings i am slowing down   3. Talk about it when something is u

Positive Thoughts for a Healthy Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time when the whole family feels elated. But, for the mother, it is a time when she witnesses many changes taking place inside, both physically and mentally. So, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. Let us read some tips to stay positive during pregnancy. As emotions of the pregnant women affect the baby a lot, the mother and even the entire family should take some necessary steps as follows. Hearing pleasant music  will induce pleasure in mother that tends to release happiness hormones like endorphins which helps the baby to be stress-free and grow in a relaxed state. Seeing green environment  (full of plants, trees, and flowers) will help you be relaxed. Your baby sees the world through your eyes before being born. So, it will give a comfort feeling to the baby as well. Meditating  or simply even closing your eyes and visualizing or feeling the positiveness of being happy, healthy and peaceful or talking to your unborn baby will make bot