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Showing posts from October, 2018

Adolescent problems in gurgaon

There are some gynecological problems that the adolescent girls can face. Most of them would not know that it is a problem. Even if they knew they would hesitate to talk about it or would be shy to say it openly lest they are made fun of. So it is the duty of the mother or the gaurdian to guide them and update them about some of the problems they can face once they are on the verge of attaining puberty says Dr. Swati Mani Tripathi, from FemCare clinic . If the mother is not able to explain they girls can have a session with a well-known, and youth friendly gynecologist who can keep the girls informed about the different problems, they can face. Of course, not all will be facing them but when someone is facing any it should be resolved as soon as possible to avoid some complexity in future. So what are these gynecologist problems the teenage girls can face? Menstrual disorders- girls normally start menstruating somewhere between the age of 11 and